Established in 2021, Fleur Tax Prep Services LLC is a leading tax preparation firm that specializes in helping individuals and single-member LLCs meet their tax obligations with precision and efficiency. Our services include meticulous tax preparation, strategic tax planning, notary services, assistance with IRS correspondence, and business management support. We are dedicated to ensuring client satisfaction by offering customized solutions designed to address unique needs. Renowned for our expertise and integrity, we serve as a dependable ally in our clients' financial endeavors. With a keen eye for detail and a dedication to excellence, Fleur Tax Prep Services LLC aims to deliver exceptional support and advice, easing the burden of tax season and enabling clients to manage their financial duties confidently. Contact us to schedule a consultation.


Shornell Lafleur, AFSP is the distinguished CEO and founder of Fleur Tax Prep Services LLC. As a certified tax specialist, she delivers professional expertise and a broad spectrum of tax services customized to meet your specific financial requirements. Shornell Lafleur provides bespoke services designed for each client's individual needs, guaranteeing optimal returns and adherence to regulations. Additionally, she offers remote notarization and business management services.